Perfect killing time soap opera and super funny. 让我想到之前看的Neighborhood中产白人家庭成了黑人的邻居同样的不同生活方式不同价值观之间的冲突剧本刻画的人物特别的写实圣诞之家可以从几个主角身上找到我认识的朋友的影子父母和子女之间的相处模式也特别逼真嘴上super mean实际上还是关心彼此的Schitts Creek小镇特别像之前去过的佛罗里达中部的小镇偏远人烟稀少有一个铁路道口...
This's when I got why the 'feminism' label was here. Just thinking, from a behaviourist perspective, affection's likely to be merely a positive stimulus-response neural reflex, and just like a bad habit, it's possible to shake it off in 30 days. If only life could be that simple.